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Rise with the machines

Across the world, there are simply not enough young people excelling at STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. Schools leaders, teachers and parents must continue to seek new and better ways to create greater interest in these critical subjects as they are expected to underpin many of the high skill, high wage jobs and business opportunities in the future. A high quality robotics education programme will allow students to learn valuable problem-solving STEM skills. 

Improve Outcomes in Maths and Science Exams

Learning robotics is a life-long investment. Robotics is a multidisciplinary field that allows your child to gain a range of skills across the STEM spectrum as they gain insight into how machines work and the impact of automation on the world as we know it. Kids and teenagers are likely to get so caught up in the excitement and creativity of building amazing machines, that they don't even realise how much of the knowledge and skills formally assessed in exams, is being learnt. Parents and teachers are likely to observe increased engagement with the core curriculum and many students will improve grades in mathematics and physics as a result.

Many students are scared of maths and science and think they can't do it. On the other hand, there are students who excel in the core curriculum but become bored and fail to see the connections between the subjects - connects that a necessary to excel at university and beyond. A Robotics club can help show students that, although challenging, maths and science are not scary. It can also help more able students to make connections that are just not possible in traditional school contexts. By giving students a fun, creative way to express common STEM principles, more students can achieve their potential. It's much easier to appreciate maths when it's helping you to win robot challenges!

Learning computer programming

Computer programming is at the heart of a robotics education. As the world becomes more technologically advanced, the programming skills your child learns at their robotics club will give them a strong advantage. It is expected that most students will learn to code in schools. But programming goes beyond this. Programming robots involves all the critical parameters, including debugging, compiling, testing and implementation. Students develop valuable analytical skills as they work on robotics projects.


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